today our culinary practical is to prepare
my group which is the 3rd group
responsible to prepare a waldorf salad
Pn.Norzi said waldorf salad is come from America
its important ingredient is walnut
our group is the most free 1
other group have to make 2 recipes
we have 1 only haha
so fair arrr......
Pn.Norzi is teaching us how to do appetizers

group 1 is very concentrate to decorate their appetizers

this is potato salad

prawn's nice
the top 1 is waldorf salad..on top of salad with chocolate colour that 1 is walnut
the bottom with egg 1 is nicoise salad
this 2 are my group's presentation
the right 1 is mine
and the love shape is belong to a 'solou'
he want to make a love
but the love he make is not balance haha
they said mine 1 very beautiful..
BUT our presentation failed
because waldorf salad cannot have tomato and capsicum
somemore the 'solou' put the vegetables stem around the love
that is around the salad
how to eat arrr...
haha fail fail fail!!!
today no much work to do
because the method of making appetizers
is very easy
just chopped or sliced
poured and mixed all together
today our group have to cleaned up all the plates and sink
OMG.. damn it!
the sink is clogged
and the residue are stucked at there
it's disgusting~
today when i arrived at college
they keep saying the scene yesterday
so shame~
they even want to act somemore
actually yesterday when i saw them
i quickly left-off his hand
so they acted what i do yesterday
haha anyway.. they are funny
then they accidentally told me that
someone in class fall in love with me
Oo..i see.. haha it's good
got someone adore me
baby.. don't jealous o